Published: Jun 13, 2024 by community
- PL
- brlin
- Marty
- RJ
- 哲佑
- Timothy
- FlyPie
- Mat
- Tim
想起還有這個酷網站: 托特|尋找技能交換夥伴,躋身新一代斜槓青年
- ROCm 目前不支援 Ubuntu 24.04
- A100 ,作為算力單位
- 「Stable Zero123 was trained on the Stability AI cluster on a single node with 8 A100 80GBs GPUs.」
- 「When training a 65B-parameter model, our code processes around 380 tokens/sec/GPU on 2048 A100 GPU with 80GB of RAM. This means that training over our dataset containing 1.4T tokens takes approximately 21 days.」LLaMA
- 「just” 90 days using 16 A100-40G GPUs 」TinyLlama-1.1B
- 小畫家風格 Diffusion
- Reverse Turing Test Experiment with AIs - YouTube
- 逆圖靈測試
- 當房間裡一堆不同 AI 角色在對話時,AI 如何察覺某個角色是否是人類而不是 AI ?